Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology


We offer a bachelor’s degree programme in Information Technology. This is perfect for you who want to become a professional software engineer or IT expert. Our studies will prepare you for plenty of interesting work opportunities in the future. 

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

  • Study type: Blended learning / daytime studies
  •  Duration: 4 years, 240 credits
  •  Tuition fee for non-EU/EEA citizens: 9500 €
  •  Application period opens: 03.01.2024 at 08:00
  •  Application period closes: 17.01.2024 at 15:00
  •  Studies start in autumn 2024
  •  Teaching language: English

Daytime studies

  • Campus: Talonpojankatu 2, Kokkola
  • Best suited for international applicants who want to study in Finland
  • Places: 20
  • Curriculum
  • Link to Studyinfo

Blended learning

Programme description

The field of information technology is continuously growing and developing, but it is also a creative field where small companies and even individual entrepreneurs can develop successful products and services. In our area, there are plenty of exciting work possibilities for IT experts. Our education gives you the readiness to work in different software engineering or IT related tasks and positions. Your future occupational title could be, for example, a software developer or software engineer.

The Information Technology programme provides you with extensive knowledge of software engineering and communications. The studies will start from the basics, so previous knowledge or experience from the IT sector is not required.

During your studies, you will gain more expertise in programming, software design and communications. You will learn how to use different IT-related hardware. For example, you will get to know the same hardware and software that companies use in real life, such as Raspberry and Arduino, Microsoft Visual Studio, Jira and Git. In addition to theoretical studies, you do practical assignments and participate in different projects. For example, you will spend your 3rd and 4th year studying in Centria’s software factory, where you can practice previously learned subjects in practice by participating in RDI projects or other customer projects. The work is often done in teams in the IT field, so you will also learn teamwork and project working skills during your studies.

The engineer’s work is very practically oriented. All professional studies contain a lot of learning by doing. In our area, many successful companies need experts who understand the possibilities of digitalization. The companies also help us to develop the degree programme and its content of it. Company representatives visit us as guest lecturers and offer work placements, thesis projects and other projects for the students. These projects are an excellent way to show your expertise and possibly get a summer job later in one of the companies. We also cooperate with international parties, such as Cisco, Microsoft, Amazon and ESRI.

Daytime studies

Content of studies

Studying at Centria UAS is very practical, and you will get many chances to participate in real-life projects together with working-life representatives. We have very active cooperation with companies, and the studies include visits to companies and guest lecturers from companies. In addition, practical training and student projects are part of the studies. During the practical training, you can practice and increase your know-how in an actual work environment. Practical training is a great way for you to show your expertise to a potential employer and get a summer job, for example. You can also practise your skills in our software factory and IT laboratory. 

The engineering studies in information technology consist of core studies, profiling studies, which include specialization studies, optional studies, work placement and a thesis. The scope is 240 ECTS, and the length of the studies is around 4 years.

Core studies 60 ECTS 

  • Career building 
  • Mathematics 
  • Sciences 
  • Languages and communication  
  • General Business skills and leadership 

Profiling studies 118 ECTS 

  • Web development 
  • Software Engineering 
  • Information Technology 
  • Fundamentals of programming 
  • Internet of things 
  • Enabling technologies 
  • Students can choose to study one of the following:
    • Software factory  
    • Cloud systems and networking 

Optional studies 15 ECTS 

Practical training 30 ECTS 

Bachelor’s Thesis 15 ECTS


Specialisation options

In the degree programme, you can specialise in either software factory or cloud systems and networking. You can choose your specialisation during the second study year. 

In the software factory module, you will learn to master the most important programming languages and learn how to use your expertise in real-life software development projects. You will learn to design web and mobile applications and practical skills on how to implement software that meets customer requirements. You will have access to our modern software development environments, where you will work with other students, customers and teachers to develop and deploy sustainable applications. 

In the cloud systems and networking module, you will deepen your expertise in communications. You can participate in study modules offered by Cisco. During your studies, you deepen your know-how as an administrator and a developer of cloud services. As for the cloud services, you will familiarize yourself with the Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure environments and their certificates. You will have plenty of job opportunities in the future. Your future occupational titles could be, for example, a developer or administrator of data communications networks. 


The degree programme in Information Technology in Kokkola is conducted in English as daytime studies.

The contact classes are arranged on weekdays on our Talonpojankatu campus in Kokkola between 8 am – 6 pm. During your first study year, all the classes require a presence on campus. However, the percentage of contact teaching diminishes during the following study years: in the 2nd year, 75 % is contact teaching on campus, in the 3rd year, 50 % is contact teaching on campus, and during your 4th study year and especially in the spring semester, you will concentrate on finishing your thesis project. Through this arrangement, we try to offer our students a smooth transition into working life.

Selection methods

First joint application 2024

Centria University of Applied Sciences uses the following student selection methods during the first joint application 2024: 

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam: 75% of study places

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA): 25% of study places

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam

International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), used for selecting students to English-conducted study programmes leading to a Bachelor’s degree.

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study at UAS. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks.

Every applicant must submit a valid identification document and a document of the English language skills on the Studyinfo’s application form. Please check the approved documents at (Notice: only a passport is accepted from the applicants outside EU/EEA). Please notice: the -website will be updated during the autumn 2023 for the 2024 application.

Please read more information about admission criteria on the UASinfo website.

NB. Changes may occur.

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA)

It’s possible to be selected through certificate-based student selection if you have: 

  • A minimum grade C in advanced English (degree programmes in the field of business and engineering)
  • A minimum grade C in advanced English and basic syllabus grade C or advanced syllabus grade A in Mathematics (degree programmes in the field of engineering)

SAT application

Applicants who in their past have completed the SAT tests (new version taken after March 2016) can also apply in our SAT application round on 1st November 2023 – 17th January 2024. Please read more information and the admission criteria here.  

Blended learning

Content of studies

Studying at Centria UAS is very practical, and you will get many chances to participate in real-life projects together with working-life representatives. In addition, practical training is part of the studies. During the practical training, you can practice and increase your know-how in an actual work environment. Practical training is a great way to show your expertise to a potential employer and get a summer job, for example. You can also practice your skills in our software factory and IT laboratory. 

The engineering studies of information technology consist of core studies, profiling studies, which include specialisation studies, optional studies, work placement and a thesis. The scope is 240 ECTS, and the length of the studies is around 4 years. 

Core studies 60 ECTS 

  • Career building 
  • Mathematics 
  • Sciences 
  • Languages and communication  
  • General business skills and leadership 

Profiling studies 118 ECTS 

  • Web development 
  • Software Engineering 
  • Information Technology 
  • Fundamentals of programming 
  • Internet of things 
  • Enabling technologies 
  • Students can choose to study one of the following
    • Software factory  
    • Cloud systems and networking 

Optional studies 15 ECTS 

Practical training 30 ECTS 

Bachelor Thesis 15 ECTS


Specialisation options

In the degree programme, you can specialise in either software factory or cloud systems and networking. You can choose your specialisation during the second study year. 

In the software factory module, you will learn to master the most important programming languages and learn how to use your expertise in real-life software development projects. You will learn to design web and mobile applications and practical skills on how to implement software that meets customer requirements. You will have access to our modern software development environments, where you will work with other students, customers and teachers to develop and deploy sustainable applications. 

In the cloud systems and networking module, you will deepen your expertise in communications. You can participate in study modules offered by Cisco. During your studies, you deepen your know-how as an administrator and a developer of cloud services. As for the cloud services, you will familiarize yourself with the Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure environments and their certificates. You will have plenty of job opportunities in the future. Your future occupational titles could be, for example, a developer or administrator of data communications networks. 


The degree programme in Information Technology in Pietarsaari is conducted in English as blended learning.

Blended learning includes less contact teaching than daytime studies. Online contact teaching is organised in the evenings between 4 pm – 8 pm. Studies include intensive contact teaching periods on campus. On-campus periods are organised usually once per month, and the periods last 1–2 days. Students can do independent assignments and group work on campus. It is also possible to attend online contact teaching on campus.

Selection methods

First joint application 2024

Centria University of Applied Sciences uses the following student selection methods during the first joint application 2024: 

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam: 75% of study places

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA): 25% of study places

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam

International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), used for selecting students to English-conducted study programmes leading to a Bachelor’s degree.

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study at UAS. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks.

Every applicant must submit a valid identification document and a document of the English language skills on the Studyinfo’s application form. Please check the approved documents at (Notice: only a passport is accepted from the applicants outside EU/EEA). Please notice: the -website will be updated during the autumn 2023 for the 2024 application.

Please read more information about admission criteria on the UASinfo website.

NB. Changes may occur.

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA)

It’s possible to be selected through certificate-based student selection if you have: 

  • A minimum grade C in advanced English (degree programmes in the field of business and engineering)
  • A minimum grade C in advanced English and basic syllabus grade C or advanced syllabus grade A in Mathematics (degree programmes in the field of engineering)

SAT application

Applicants who in their past have completed the SAT tests (new version taken after March 2016) can also apply in our SAT application round on 1st November 2023 – 17th January 2024. Please read more information and the admission criteria here.  

Additional information


The degree programme in information technology gives you a wide understanding of the opportunities that technology offers, but also of its limitations. You are able to develop IT solutions that are user-friendly, sustainable and economical and less energy-dependent. 

After completing the degree 

  • you have a strong know-how of information technology and communication. 
  • you have good analysis & management skills as well as problem-solving skills. 
  • you know different information technology equipment and applications and can use them in practice. 
  • you command the techniques and the developing methods related to the field. 
  • you can design and can carry out applications for different purposes that meet the needs of the customer. 
  • you know the methods and tools that are used in the project work. 
  • you have strong language skills that are required in international working life. 


Centria is one of the most international universities of applied sciences in Finland. Our students represent about 40 different countries from around the world, and you can feel the international atmosphere on our campuses. 

We have around 130 partner universities, and if you are interested, you can study for a semester or a full academic year in one of the partner universities. Shorter exchanges are possible as well. Some of our students also do their work placement period abroad or in some international company. 

Some of the courses are offered together with other IT student groups. It means that you have a great opportunity to practice your language and communication skills and get to know people from all over the world. 


The bachelor’s thesis is a large (15 ECTS) development or research project that usually takes place during the last study year. The purpose of the thesis is to prove that you have a good command of software engineering-related theory and processes, and you can apply these in practice. The students usually do their thesis for a specific company. The thesis project, together with the work placement, introduces the student to practical work-life duties already during their studies. It is also the first step towards the first permanent position for many of our students. 

Some typical planning and development projects are, e.g. planning and conducting a quality assurance manual, marketing plan, business plan, orientation plan, directive, process or production line. The thesis project is a chance to show the skills that you have acquired during your studies. To become an expert, the student needs opportunities to solve authentic problems of the profession. 

Conducting the thesis requires systematic, planned and justifiable work to reach the set aims. The thesis work is a process that compiles orientation, planning and implementation of the topic, reporting and assessment. All these make an integrated entity. The thesis is like a business card for the student and can be utilized in publication archives and workplaces when the student proceeds into a professional career.  

The thesis is usually done directly for a company, either independently or with a fellow student. 

On the online library Theseus  all the previously completed bachelor’s theses are available for everyone. 

Career possibilities

The world needs more skilled IT experts, and therefore our students have excellent work opportunities ahead of themselves. The degree programme in Information Technology gives the freshly graduated IT engineer the readiness to work in versatile positions in different companies in Finland and abroad. 

IT Engineers have a wide range of working possibilities. The most used occupational titles are 

  • Software designer 
  • Software engineer 
  • R&D Engineer 
  • IT Manager 
  • Security expert 
  • Network Systems Administrator 
  • Network specialist or  
  • CEO of your start-up company. 

Post graduate studies

After you have completed your bachelor’s degree and you have gained at least two years of work experience, you can apply to our master’s degree programme in Information Technology.  You can also continue your studies at another university in Finland or abroad. 

Centria IT Lab

In Centria IT Lab the students work in teams and complete challenging software development projects for different companies. Students are in charge of the projects and their completion by themselves. Students also control the timetables and steer work.

Students that participate in the Centria IT Lab will earn ECTS. The Centria IT Lab aims to develop students’ work-life skills and know-how.

Centria IT Lab uses tools that are commonly used in software development.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Please notice that some applicants are obligated to pay tuition fees. If you are not an EU/EEA citizen or if you do not have a document that exempts you from paying the tuition fees, you are obliged to pay them.

More information including the tuition fees, who is obligated to pay them, and scholarships can be found here.

Eligibility criteria for Bachelor’s degrees

following education will give applicants eligibility to apply for Bachelor´s programmes:

  • the studies required for graduating from the Finnish upper secondary school or a Matriculation Ex-amination;
  • an International Baccalaureate (IB) degree;
  • a European Baccalaureate (EB) Diploma;
  • a Reifeprüfung (RP) or Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) degree;
  • a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification covering 120 credits or 180 competence points or a corresponding earlier Finnish vocational degree covering at least 80 credits;
  • a Finnish post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma;
  • a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification or a further or specialist vocational qualification as a competence-based qualification, or a comparable previous qualification;
  • a foreign qualification that provides eligibility for higher education studies in the country in question;
  • Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree.
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