General study related situations

  • Tuudo 

Tuudo is a mobile app for students. With Tuudo, you can manage your studies and ease your daily student life. Tuudo compiles your most often used, study-related services: 

  • Schedules 

  • Your completed studies 

  • Campus maps 

  • Centria Library card 

  • News 

Tuudo mobile app is available for Android and iOS devices, and can be downloaded from Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Use your Centria UAS username and password when you log in to Tuudo. 

Centria uses only electronic student id Tuudo. Student can download that from app store. 

With Tuudo student can get discount from for example train tickets and bus tickets.  

  • Student health care 

Students who study for a bachelor’s or a master’s level degree are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS). If stunet enroll as present for the study year, they have to pay the student healthcare fee in higher education to Kela. The fee is paid to Kela once per term, i.e. twice a year.  Instructions for payment of the healthcare fee are available on Kela’s website. The website of the Finnish Student Health Service (Finnish abbreviation YTHS) provides information about health services for students 

The FSHS services are set out in the Act on healthcare for students in higher education and in the Guide on Student Healthcare published by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The guide specifies, among other things, the content of health and medical services. 

The FSHS responsibility areas are: 

  • to provide students with health and medical care services 

  • to promote students’ health and ability to study, and 

  • to promote the well-being of the study environment and student community. 

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