Study right

  • If the student does not enrol for the study year, the student loses the study right.  

  • This means that the student does not have the right to complete studies nor receive study grants. The student does not qualify for subsidized meals nor student discounts.  

  • The study right terminates on 31 July and after 14 days the student will not have access to the UAS email or other online services. 


  • Extension of the study right  

A student who has not completed their studies within the study right period (regular completion time plus one year) can apply for an extension to complete the degree. The extension can be granted once for a maximum of one year. An extension is only granted for a special reason, and it is always discretionary. It must be realistic to complete the studies within the extension period. During the extension study right, the student has no right of non-attendance. The extension time cannot be continued, and the student must graduate during this time.   

The E-application form is on the student register Peppi (student’s desktop). In accordance with government Decree 1440/2014, a fee of €50 is charged for processing the application. The options for payment of the application processing fee (50 Euros) are the following: Finnish online banking credentials, VISA, MasterCard or MobilePay. Application submission and payment are done at the same time. Decisions on applications are sent to the student’s Centria email address. e-Identification is used to log into the form. This requires strong identification (e.g. Finnish online banking credentials, mobile certificate etc.). If you are not able to use strong identification (you do not have Finnish online banking credentials, mobile certificate etc.) please, contact the Student Services (  

Process chart of the application period 

Application periods 

  • 1.4.–31.5. (study right ends on the spring term) 

  • 1.10.-30.11 (study right ends on the autumn term) 

The study entitlement of students who have not been granted an extension will be declared as expired and the student will be registered as resigned. 


  • Resignation


The resignation notice can be filled in Peppi (Peppi – E-Applications – Applications in Finnish – Notice of resignation).
Student Services sends the resignation certificate and transcript of records by postal to the student.


  • Applying for readmission


A student who has lost his/her study right can apply for readmission.  

The study right can be restored if the study time has not yet ended and the student is able to complete his/her studies within the remaining study time.  

The semesters that a student has neglected to enrol on (as attending or non-attending) are counted together as used terms and they shorten the study time (the maximum number of terms of non-attendance are used first and after that the attending terms).  

The restoration of the study right usually begins from the beginning of the following month. This term (spring or autumn term) is then considered to be completely used.  

Application for readmission is done by electronic form.  

50 Euros will be charged for processing the application (Government Decree 1440/2014).  

The options for payment of the application processing fee (50 Euros) are the following: Finnish online banking credentials, VISA, MasterCard or MobilePay  

Application submission and payment are done at the same time. 


If you do not have Finnish online banking credentials (needed for strong identification), you can use the following options: 

Bank transfer to Centria UAS bank account (IBAN: FI92 5162 0020 2748 85). Use your surname and the name of your degree programme as reference. 

Card payment at the library on Talonpojankatu Campus. Give your name and the name of your degree programme when making the payment. 

The receipt of payment is attached to the application. The application and the attachment of payment are submitted at once so please have the attachment (pdf) ready before filling in the application. 

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