UAS Exam Spring 2024


First joint application 2024 

Centria University of Applied Sciences uses the following student selection methods during the first joint application 2024:  

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam: 75% of study places 

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA): 25% of study places 

International University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Exam 

International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS), used for selecting students to English-conducted study programmes leading to a Bachelor’s degree. 

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study at UAS. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks. 

Every applicant must submit a valid identification document and a document of the English language skills on the Studyinfo’s application form. Please check the approved documents at (Notice: only a passport is accepted from the applicants outside EU/EEA). Please notice: the -website will be updated during the autumn 2023 for the 2024 application. 

Please read more information about admission criteria on the UASinfo website

NB. Changes may occur. 

Certificate-based selection (Finnish Matriculation Examination, IB, EB, RP/DIA) 

It’s possible to be selected through certificate-based student selection if you have:  

  • A minimum grade C in advanced English (degree programmes in the field of business and engineering) 

  • A minimum grade C in advanced English and basic syllabus grade C or advanced syllabus grade A in Mathematics (degree programmes in the field of engineering) 

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